Serious pimple problem-help please!!!!!?

I have a hard, painful red bump on my nose, and it's been there for 2 days. I don't think its come to a head yet, because I've used an acne scrub, and astringent on it, and they haven't helped at all. When I try to pop it, it just hurts, and it won't pop. The area isn't oily;it feels completely normal. I'm pretty lost because my skin is usually very clear; I'm 16 and this is the first time i've had a real zit...Help!!!!!


  • It's called puberty and it will go away soon. Don't mess with it though because it will only get bigger and I recomend you NOT put make-up on it. Doing so will clog your pours and well it will expand or another area may develop. Don't freak out, I got one when I was 16 17 and now lets see what comes next. It's normal. no worries!

  • well 1st u can heat a face cloth and wet it then heat it in the microwave and then hold it on ur zit for like 2 mins then try 2 pop it or just use clean and clear cuz i am 17 and i hav had zits 2

  • GIRL DO NOT POP IT! You have a series of veins in your nose which could rupture and cause serious bleeding. Just put some tooth paste on it and maybe prick it with a needle or something to let the ooze out but please do not force a zit to pop on your nose.

  • You can try this crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at

  • ouch. yeah i get those once in a while. they suck. just keep putting products on it. it will eventuslly go down. also, if you want to hide it during the day, i reccomend foundation. it helps make your skin look clearer and even-toned. if you want to try new acne clear products, i recoment murad. its at sephora. its about 45 dollars but it really works!

  • toothpaste--put some on the pimple overnight. It will dry it out.

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