Brady for Westbrook trade?

Should I trade Tom Brady, Ahmad Bradshaw, and Dallas D for Brian Westbrook?

The reason I ask is because I already have 2 great back, but we do have a RB/WR position. It's a keepers league of 3, and also a PPR (Point Per Reception) league.

Here's my current team:

QB- Tom Brady

RB- LaDainian Tomlinson

RB- Steven Jackson

WR- Randy Moss

WR- Andre Johnson

WR- James Hardy

RB/WR- Warrick Dunn

TE- Tony Scheffler

K- Josh Brown

D- Dallas

BN- Jake Delhomme

BN- Brett Favre

BN- Ahmad Bradshaw

BN- Derrick Ward

BN- Devin Hester


To answer your question Thrillhaus, it's a 12 team keepers league in the 2nd year. My keepers coming into this season were Brady, Tomlinson, Moss, and Selvin Young (we have to keep a rookie). Before this years draft I traded my 1st and 2nd round picks for Steven Jackson. Then after the draft I traded Selvin Young, Chris Chambers, and Felix Jones for Andre Johnson.


  • Not a chance. I could see doing it straight up or Brady/Bradshaw for Westbrook, but no way I give up the top QB and a top 5 D/ST for Westbrook, especially given how strong you already are at RB.

    Which brings to mind a question: are there 4 teams in your league? Almost every 10 team draft I've seen has had Brady, LT Jackson and Moss go in the first round. How did you get all of them?

  • No Don't Trade Brady, Try And Swing A Deal Using Favre As Bait For A Solid 2nd Tier RB Like A Thomas Jones Or Jamal Lewis. You Got A Very Good Team There With Your Only Weakness Being Your WRs After Mos And Johnson. Stand Pat. Good Luck To Ya This Season.

  • I would replace Ward with a waiver RB. You might be able to get a RB for Farve that would be a strong RB/WR.

    I dont think Westbrook is a better gamble than Brady.

    Trade Farve before he starts playing. He is hot right now.

    If you want to try an additional league that is a little different but not much, I have a couple looking for players. Two starting QBs and LIVE draft.

    To find:

    FOX published free leagues, head to head, live draft, 12 teams. Name Aaron Farve on Waivers, Aug 14, 7:30pm Free.

    Yahoo Custom Free leagues, head to head, live draft, 12 teams. Name Sheephead Players, Tuesday Aug 12, 11:15am.

  • absolutely everyone else who has instructed you no is an fool. truly at this factor contained in the season after I get commerce promises I ask myself, "may I have drafted westbrook over brady?" the reply, accordingly, is a convincing convinced.(until eventually you're in a league that starts 2 quarterbacks, in which case you're screwed besides) you're giving up third round skills for prime 8 skills and in myth football tallent wins. particular, going into the season with Alex smith is scary yet suck it up. Do the deal! Drop Josh Scobee! p.c.. up even with QB has the great upside! (Matt Schaub, Tararis Jackson, Josh McCowan) and seem for a QB deal out of your modest reciever corps. Or for part. purely get some Icing on it. undergo in concepts, you've the operating backs to spare. now to not be a downer yet you'll favor help besides. solid success with your 2 first round operating backs although.

  • Heck no because you already have 2 strong rbs and you need a solid QB because delhomme might just suck. If you keep this team I give you a 10 if you make the trade you will get worse and only be an 8.

  • i wuld say yes, i think favre will do pretty good this year, and imagine, LT, westbrook, and steven jackson, THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!!!!!! and with moss and andre johnson, u have room for ur qb to not produce as much points as they usaully should


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