POLL:Do mosquitos NOT bite you?(out of respect)?

I am the most interesting man in the world.


  • No >:( I wish though lol.

    Oh yes indeed you are.

  • Unfortunately, I've never met a mosquito that had respect for me. And yes, this question proves that you are indeed the most interesting man in the world.

  • Unfortunately no. I have the sweetest blood ever apparently, because I can be outside in FL at night (crazy mosquitoes!) for only 2 min, then come back in the house and look like I had just caught the chicken pox.

  • I go outside for 10 minutes and I literally get 20 misquito bites. It's horrible..

  • mosquitos bite me because they want to test how much of a man i am

  • Actually, they do bite me at all. It's fun to sit and watch others slap at them when outside.Yes, I know that sounds mean of me.

  • I AM mosquito repellant!!

  • They bite me because they can't resist the sweetness of my blood.

  • Lol no in fact they disrespect me any chance they get. Little beetches.

  • yes, but when they find me, they almost suck the life outta me.

    i feel pain when they bite. if i didn't, they would get fat from my

    blood and i would get weaker.

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