How do I grow a apricot pitt?

I wanted to know if I can whatch it grow like a avocoda pit?


  • How To Plant A Peach, Nectarine, Apricot or Plum Tree

    After eating a piece of fruit, clean the pit and put it in a plastic bag. Place it in the refrigerator and store it until September or October.

    Pick a good, sunny spot in your yard where there is room for a tree to grow. Place the pit about five inches beneath the soil surface. (You might want to mark the spot with a craft stick so you won't forget where you planted it.)

    Wait for spring, and you should see a shoot poke above the ground indicating your tree is growing. It should continue to grow and be quite visible by mid-summer. Water your tree and fertilize it with fruit tree spikes that you can purchase at a garden center. If you take good care of your tree, you may have fruit in 2-3 years!

    Note: Fruit trees can be difficult to grow from seed. Plant several to have a better chance of one germinating. You can always remove seedlings that you don't want, should more than one sprout.

  • You have to be an apricot to grow one of your own.

    Perhaps you can adopt.

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