6 zebra danios, 2 inch bala shark, 1 blue gouramis, silver doller fish, and a cory?

all in a 10 gallon tank?


  • That is a a little crowded but not overly so. The gourami is a labrynth type fish so has a makeshift lung so that it can gulp air. You have noticed that your cory makes dashes to the top to get air? They feed on low energy foods so have a very long and efficient gut. They can swallow air and the oxygen is absorbed by the gut. Mostly, keep it well filtered and keep the bacteria happy.

  • Other than the fact that that is way too many (and too big) fish for a ten gallon tank, the bala shark is a semi-aggressive, and will most likely pick on all your other guys making a very stressful environment. So no, you can't put those fish together, especially in a 10 gallon tank. Don't even think about balas unless you have at least a 50 gallon tank, as they like to live in schools. Keep in mind the ratio of one inch ADULT fish per gallon or water. 6 zebras = 6 inches, 1 DWARF gourami = 3 inches, and that almost brings you to your limit. Silver dollars get 5 inches, so no. Corys need company, and get about 3 inches, so not a good idea. Some other fish that would be good for your tank include guppies and neon tetras. Or two or three platies with a few danios. But make sure if you go with platies or guppies, you get the same sex so you don't end up with babies. The people at the pet store should be able to tell you which ones are males or females.

    Good luck with your tank.

  • well i recently took my buddies 10 gallon tank down and he has a schoo lof 5 zebra danio, and a school of 6 pygmy corys with a sand substrate and his fish are doing great, all very healthy, active, and very friendly. So lose the others and go with a school of corys and danios...be careful though as danios are prone to ich.

  • Danio: yes

    bala shark: NO they get about a foot and a half long!

    Blue gourami: yes if it is the powder blue or other dwarf, but no if it is the three spot gourami

    silver dollar: no

    cory: no, unless it is a pygmy variety and in a small school

  • hi, i'm a splash at a loss for words-you point out 30 gallons & additionally 4. needless to say 4 gallons isn't any stable for any fish-fantastically Goldfish because of the fact everyone desires a minimum of 10 gallons apiece. 3 Ryukins will choose a minimum tank of 30 gallons with a filter out it relatively is able to working a 50 gallon tank-you ought to over filter out for Goldfish. Compatibility is yet another difficulty-Goldfish have not have been given any suitable tank pals different than different Goldfish of comparable sizes & kinds. i think of the final answer for your self is to get 2 tanks, one for the Danios & one for the Goldfish.

  • thats a lot, but we fill our fish tank too.... some might die with no room... a pet store will definately tell you thats too many--- but i dont listen to them lol but i think thats fine for now... once they all get bigger you might need to make different arrangements but i dont think itll really hurt anything for now... but if you could get a 5 gallon tank too and put some in there, i would... we probably have 8 or 9 fish in our 10 gallon tank and they are doing well!

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