Did Obama make a sexist comment?

In Tulane University:

Obama took the stage at Tulane... he seemed to have Clinton in his sights when he said, "You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out."


could/would the claw remark but as effective on giuliani or mccain?


  • Certainly a jib aimed at her gender, but I don't think it's inherently sexist.

    If Obama is taking exception to Clinton's attacks - I wonder if he'll survive the Republican political machine without resorting to whining like the quote you state.

  • I think it may be a little sexist. People are more likely to use phrases like "the claws come out" in reference to women...because of those ridiculous stereotypes that women are "catty". No, I don't think a comment like that would have been directed at McCain...or even Clinton if she were male.

    However, what really bothers me about this comment is not that it's sexist, it's that it's stupid. I think people forget that a woman running for president is challenging the status quo just as much, if not more, than a black man.

  • that's not that bad...boarder line..it's just a saying. means the same thing as...

    you challenge the status quo and suddenly the fist come out.

    however the comment he made about her menstrual cycle was sexist.

  • I'd have to know more about the context. On just the info you've provided, I'd have to say no, I wouldn't come to that conclusion.

  • no thats a universal phrase, calm down crazy and don't be so offended all of the time

  • That's not sexist. That's just a political cliché. You can use it on anyone.

  • Yes he is sexist. He has many other faults also, but we are not allowed to talk about them here because that would, of course, be a Yahoo violation.

  • How is that sexist ?

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