Do atheists exist...?

I haven't found any evidence of them, I haven't seen any either, they must not exist.


  • There are those who claim to be atheist or agnostic because they have not realized that the feeling of Greatness within all our hearts is God in the form of Unconditional Love.

    So there are no aethiest or agnostics. those who make that claim are just in denial.

    If God does not exist why do you deny he exist.

  • Hahaha! you're so silly!! A lack of evidence does not disprove the existence of atheism. There...I said it. But lets extend on your hypothetical situation (because it is hypothetical unless of course you actually are a hermit). Lets grant you that their is no evidence of atheism in the world and that this is just some fictional concept created by man. Suppose that you made up the term "atheist" defining it as a person that has no religious faith. You also supplemented this term with scripture that defines other aspects of the world beyond just atheism--Things that define how atheists have interacted with the world. Maybe the scripture says something like "atheists created planet earth thousands of years ago". Now suppose that you did a scientific investigation and found that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Here we have a contradiction. Suppose that further scientific investigations contradicted basically every thing that your scripture tried to explain. It is beginning to look like you made the book up based on naive estimations of how you thought the world worked. It is safe to say that your atheistic scripture is bologna. And If the atheist scripture and the existence of atheists are one in the same then we can safely say that atheists do not exist. But wait! lets forget about the atheist bible, regarding it as something written by man, and just focus on whether atheists exist. If you agree that the atheist bible is a load of malarky and there is no evidence supporting the non-existence of atheisms then you will just have to take a leap of faith. But at that point why would you want too? why would you care about forcing yourself to believe in a random concept such as atheism?

  • If Atheists didn't exist then the majority

    of the 'heated exchanges' on Yahoo! Answers

    wouldn't exist either !!

  • That's cos you've only been looking one place... if you got out into the real world you may discover all sortsa things you never knew existed...

    But I warn you... the real world can be quite frightening.

    If you're a coward you may get very scared... so be very careful.

    Ask your imaginary friend to take extra good care of you.

    I'm sure 'he' will comply.


  • i haven't seen the president so he must not exists i never seen someone die so it must not be possible and ive never seen you before so you must not exists either

  • I think what he/she is trying to make a point about, is that atheists cannot exist, because everyone believes something created this universe (for "atheists" it's nothing). Not sure if I agree with this stand point, as I can't see into everyone's mind, but it's certainly something worth thinking about.

  • Oh ha ha, I see what you're doing. Unfortunately for you there is evidence of atheists.

  • You'll be telling me pixies don't exist, next.

    Allow me my precious (if irrational) illusions, they one of the few things that bring comfort to my otherwise bleak existence.

  • Fail, haha.

    NO ONE has seen any evidence that proves Christianity as true.

  • As always your IQ is near 0.

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