parakeet cage?

i need a new parakeet cage, it needs to be as small as possible because i don't have much space.

how big(or small i should say) could it be?it needs to hold two parakeets.


  • It HAS to be large enough for both birds to move around a lot and be able to flap their wings and not hit the sides of the cage. I would advise one about 20" x 20" and 24" high. They need a cage that is sort of high. If it is too small, your birds may fight, or start to pick feathers.

  • As long as the bar-spacing is correct, the cage cannot be too large.

    However, it can be too small. AT THE LEAST, per bird, you want them to have 1 cubic foot of space. Anything smaller than that and the bird can harm itself.

    For two birds, the least you'd want is 2 1/2 cubic feet.

  • as a youthful hen the budgie does not understand to any quantity greater desirable functional as for vet reported it is now not the completed thank you to bypass chang the variety of food your using which could be sufficient is likewise the barres regardless of the undeniable fact that in the time of place no count if it somewhat is he cant attain his poop

  • uhm ,

    get one from the salvation army , den

    i guess they have some , i never been in it , but i heard they have some for the cheapest price,

    or get it from Value Village

  • as big as you can afford dont make them sufer

  • craigslist.

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