Do dogs cover their poop?

I don't think they do but in our house we are having a debate!! :)


  • Yes they do. It's an instinctive behavior, they cover up the poop so other predators don't track them. They also mark there territory.

  • No, not like a cat, but dogs will often scratch with their hind legs after leaving a pile. They might send a bit of dirt or grass flying, but it does not cover the poop.

    I'd like to know why dogs do this too.

  • no i have never seen a dog cover their poop. at the most after they are done ive seen them scratch the dirt as if to say hey i went, but no i haven't seen a dog cover their poop

  • Your family may think that a dog that scratches at the poop is trying to cover it. However, they are actually trying to spread it. This is one way of marking their territory, so kicking their poop everywhere helps spread the scent.

  • I've never seen a dog cover their poop.

    My puppy will dig at the ground after he is done pooping. I've read that's a dominant trait (lol)...he's trying to spread his scent around. Kind of letting everyone one know..."Hey, I pooped here...its my territory "

    too cute

  • My dog has never covered her poop but sometimes after she is done she will digg at the ground and through dirt near where she just did.

  • No, they do not. Dominant dogs, whether male or female, will kick up the ground behind them to help disturb the ground and spread the scent, not hide it. Wolves/dogs don't have a lot of predators so they don't need to hide where they've been. Instead, they spend a lot of time marking their territory as their own.

  • some do and some don't

    our current three dogs, do not. not a single one of them has ever covered their poop.

    my mother's Ak'Bash does however cover his poop by throwing dirt or grass over it

  • Of course the don't. Only cats cover their poop.

  • i thnk it depends on the dog. My puppy does and my older dog does not. My older dog flings the grass where he just went. where my younger one will rip out grass and put it on top of his poo and even pee. and when he used the potty pads he would fold them up. no lie, he is strange, and even now, he is only 7 weeks old, so maybe its just a puppy thing.

    My oldest just does his thing flings the grass and says lets go inside

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