Do you consider cheerleading a sport?

My friend and I were arguing over whether cheerleading is a sport or not. What do you guys think?


  • cheerleading is not a sport, it a performance. you do not play cheerleading. there is on direct competing for objective points, you PERFORM and are scored based on a judges opinion(and this is only in competition). sure you have to work as hard if not harder than every sport, but guess who else does? marching band, color guard, dance, etc. are any of them sports? no.

  • Competitive cheerleading is a sport and falls into the category of performance sport (athough competitive cheerleading shouldn't be called cheerleading because it really has nothing to do with what cheerleading is). Sideline cheerleading (real cheerleading) is not a sport but is athletic and should be recognized for that. Sideline cheerleading is not a sport because it doesn't stand on its own. There job is to motivate the team, get fans excited and lead the crowed cheers.

  • It is similar to dance, but it takes a lot of conditioning and actual strength and stamina, i wouldn't consider it a sport in the category of Football, Basketball, Baseball. But in a category of Dance, Ballet, ect. It takes a lot of skill but it isn't really playing against another team its just rooting for your team ( I know your competitions) but its not really facing someone, as if there actions effect you.

    But there are alot of stupid things that are considered sports. MLG which is playing video games, people playing VIDEO GAMES that is a sport, poker is another. If they are considered sports then Cheerleading is definitely a sport no question about it. If someone can sit and push buttons while eating potato chips and people that bust there butts and practice hard for 6 hours a day are even mentioned in the same category, that means something is wrong. So I say Yes, Cheerleading is a sport.

  • Competitive cheerleading is a spot.

    Basketball/Football cheerleading isn't.

    Everyone thinks cheerleaders just shake their poms, do jumps and are bimbos. But they really aren't. Cheerleaders need to stay in shape and work just as hard as everyone else. We lift people up and catch them. We do tumbling [which is a lot harder than it looks] And we are definitely not bimbos. We need to keep up a certain grade point average to stay on the team. I'm a cheerleader and I have a 4.0, am Class Treasurer and in over 10 clubs. So honestly people should stop wasting their time dissing cheerleading when they're just too self-conscious to try out for it.

  • In other sports, if you mess up, you just drop a ball. In cheerleading, you drop a person if you make a mistake.

    It's dangerous, difficult, and takes lots of discipline and hard work.

    It's a sport and it's harder than most sports.

    Screw football. Guys that are really tough cheerlead. =]

  • um ya it is. And to everyone who says that cheering a sport isn't a sport but comp is a sport is wrong!! I am in both and we do not just jump around and wave pom poms at the players. We have to know and understand what is going on so we can do the appropriate cheer. We have to hit our moves just as hard as comp does and our stunts are hard too. We have to be on top of our game for the enitre thing. There is no such thing as sub outs in cheer. Our practices are intense. In regular cheer we do serious jumping. Like at least 20 jumps in like 10 minutes. Then some of us go and work on our cheers. Not just knowing the words and movements but literally having them perfect and hitting everone with no mistakes. We go over and over with no air conditioning and no stopping until they are perfect. And that is like 5 cheers. We have to have like 100 memorized for games. Then our stunts are crazy. This stuff is not just can you lift the flyer and can the flyer stay balenced and tight up there and are you together. It is a mental part too. You have to be crazy to go up into a stunt like that and literally put your life into other peoples hands and you may not necessarily know them that well. The bases(especailly back) have to put the flyers life before thiers. Like I was falling from extention and my back base let me land on her because there was no way she could catch me. Most people would run away and let me die, but she injured herself a little because she knew that if she let me fall then I would get seriously injured while she might just crack a bone or something. That is crazy. Cheer muscles are no joke. We do pushups and planks and run and do sprints and work our core for this stuff. We can get out on the field, do a perfect cheer loudly, with a stunt, get people to cheer with us, get out of the stunt, jump and spirit. All while looking good. That is what I call a sport

  • yes cheerleading is a sport ! i mean you have to have strenght and balance plus you got to be flexible ! cheerleaders throw people in the air where as in other sports they toss around a little ball ! you have to be able to memorize every single cheer and hit those movements! while yelling and smiling so anyone who says cheering isn't a sport should try it first and see how tough it really is! cheerleader have to dance, show Spirit , do stunts and more and we have to do it in a short skirt!

  • cheerleading isn't a sport?

    Cheerleading is not only about dancing, vibrant clothes, cheering and flamboyance! It's a display of discipline, practice, dedication, determination, acrobatic skills and athleticism.

    And how is it not a sport?

    like ever other sport

    cheerleaders have practices and games.

    and their practice are probably the hardest out of all sports

    cheerleaders throw people... not balls.

    cheerleaders life people... not just weights

    cheerleader go to the weight room just as much if not more than other sports.

    also cheerleaders have to tumble.

    what other sport can do that??

    so now tell me cheerleading isn't a sport:)

  • Of course it is! I cheered for 4 years and it was tough. I don't take crap from anyone that says it isn't. We work as hard as any other sport and we get to wear cute outfits

  • Is Gymnastics a sport because they do as much Gymnast.So... Yes it is a sport.

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