Is this gonna be a problem after my marriage?

I started masturbating from the year 2002; i am 26 now and still masturbate every day. is this going to be a problem in my marriage life? i get aroused and *** out within 5 seconds of my start of masturbation. is this erectile dysfunctioning? please help


  • Since you are already masturbating, why not use it as an opportunity to learn how to gain control over the time that you can hold an erection? Teach yourself what gets you to slow down, what little mind tricks can make it last longer. Do that now so you will have more control later on, because a few seconds aren't going to do the "job" for most partners.

  • Yes, it will specially if you're trying to finish fast before someone knows what you're doing.

    Read about premature ejaculation, and try to practice the techniques provided...the training is by masturbating anyway, so don't worry, you will still do it ;)

  • It depends if you can control it or not. If you feel you might have a problem contact a professional (ask your doctor for example)v for help.

  • Don't stress it. Some girls have worse problems than you. Be honest with your wife, and if you still think you have a problem see a doctor.

  • Most women don't want sex after marriage. But not all of us, I think its a free contract to get all the sex I can out of my husband. Let's hope she's fridgid for your sake.

  • u r not alone, i am 30 , i have been doing since i was 14, every day. i mean every day, i was worried at first, now f..k it ,enjoy yo self, self love lol,

  • Its not a problem as long as you are there for your wife.

  • no, don't worry about it.. you'll have plenty of time for self-loving... most women stop having sex with their husbands days after the ceremony... except for wanting kids.. ;)

  • go baby! Enjoy!

  • yes you need help dont do it so fast slow down

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