Guy/Girls do you?.....?

Hey Guys and Girls do you guys get pissed off if your boyfriend or girlfriend asks you if cheated on them?


Does this make the relationship awkward?


  • It depends if there's some reason behind it. If you've been acting strange, or if they've been cheated on before, or both.

    If there's something in the past that makes this come up, then just accept it and be as reassuring as possible.

  • yes I would get pissed off but mostly sad because then I would know that he doesn't really trust me, the main key to a relationship is trust. Depending on how well and how long you guys have been going out it could make the relationship a little awkward.

  • Yeah that get a little upset but they get over it real fast so don't even worry...just play it off innocent like you were just wondering or something and they will get over it faster....why what makes you think he is cheating??

  • no what r u talking about it makes me feel all tingley on the inside i just love when my girlfriend doubts my trust to her

  • I dont they're just worried or something so they make sure. But they'll still be suspicious and try and spy on you

  • YES! if we are dating then you should trust me not to cheat!

  • um not if its not true. its more annoying than anything. but i dont date people who can't trust me. and nope, not awkward it just makes me wonder why they are worrying so much about it.


  • Porbably not... atleaste he cares enough to ask

  • Yeah I do. It just shows that they don't trust you.

  • no, its a common question to ask

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