Does My Car Have Keyless Entry System?

we just bought a 2003 toyota highlander but it did not come with the remote clicker which locks/unlocks the car so we were thinking of buying one on ebay and programming it ourselves but we are not sure if our car has the keyless entry system. the seller on ebay says the remote is compatible for 2001-2003 highlanders so it should work but help!!! how do we know for sure??!?!


  • The first source has the procedure for verifying you have a remote keyless entry system installed and the source is the remote that works with it. The $99 plus shipping price is fairly high, and you may find a lower price, but this vendor often has a very low price.

  • if you have a keyless entry system the door would have a black square on the handle if you push it and the keys are near the car the door should unlock. I would recommend the viper smart start from best buy if it does not have the keyless system

  • you can buy these off of for $50 and whoever is selling it will also program it for you. Also a 2003 highlander will definitely have keyless entry in it

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