Does Obama hate America?

He calls Americans 'the enemy'

He buddies up to the terrorists

He insults all the nations who are our friends.


  • The fact is he wants to change the United States and he also stated the US Constitution is an antiquated document that needs rewritten. You make the call.

  • No, conservatives do. They'd rather let our country suffer than help Obama and the Democrats get it back on its feet. That's why conservatives are the real enemies of America. They will stoop to any lie to slander our president, even claiming he buddies up to the terrorists and insults other nations who are America's allies.

    Since Americans seem determined to put Republicans back in power, the message they must be sending to Washington D.C. is that the recession didn't last long enough.

  • I have pondered that a lot lately. I see him dividing the people, casting one side against the other. I have never seen a President do this to this extent. He was not raised in America where you get your allegiance as a child. He seems to have issues amongst his inner self with his father deserted him. His mother sent him away and then he had to live with his grandparents who were white and he was black in skin color and he was a very confused child. Then he studied under Islamic ideals, which would have had to effect his views. He just really in my opinion seems to hate something and it is spilling over into the American people which I do not like.

    Yes..He did all those things mentioned and when he called me an enemy, for opposing his views, , that hurt.

  • Yes, he does. He's what's known as an anti-colonialist. Check out Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" for a thorough analysis of why Obama believes as he does. Obama sees the world as divided into two groups; the oppressed and the oppressors. Wealthy people, businesses and countries are the oppressors. With religious fervor, Obama is dedicated to fighting that perceived oppression.

  • Absolutely! And the proof?

    In the last 2 months, he has willfully misquoted the Declaration of Independence 3 times!! This was the 1st time--watch his eyes!!

    Mr. President leaves out 3 very important words--"by their Creator",

    'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

  • Cons hate America, that's why they want to turn the country into a fascist corporate police state. It's already halfway there.

  • he wants to change the hell out of america

    i hope he fails

  • Nope. And your examples are fiction.

  • hi troll.

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