is my java moss dead? its been 4 days since i got it


well what i did was when i first got it i cleaned it well with tap water just to get all the sticks and snails out of it and i left it 2 rest for 1 day in tank water in a bucket the next day i got it and tied it 2 my rocks and i did notice it was a bit brown but the more i spreaded it out the browner it looked but i just thought oh its java moss it will perk back up and im on day 4 and to me it just looks dead and i dont know why because i have other java moss in the tank and that is a lush green and i did the same with that 1 as i did this 1

i have no co2 or ferts


  • About 90% or more dead.

    Let Java moss float/sink in the tank when you first get it. After it has adapted to your tank conditions you can start "planting" it where you want.

    If the green specks survive, let them grow where they want. Filter intakes excepted. If you could kill 90% of it in four days, the odds are long against the remaining 10%.

    If it was brown when you got it, it was dead already. What is brown is not going to come back to life. If you got it at a pet shop they knew it was dead and were trying to get you to keep it past their one or two day guarantee.When it's brown, even Macrobrachium shrimp and crayfish that normally eat it, ignore it.

    You don't need CO2 or ferts, or bright lights. I raise it to feed to shrimp and my son raises it to feed to crayfish. He has to keep each young crayfish separate because they are cannibalistic. He grows Java moss in plastic party cups set on shelves in the basement. Because of tanks and terrariums there is more light than normal basement light but it is a basement so it's not all that lit up. He pours some of the water from water changes into the cups, adds a few strands of java moss and by the next week the cup is full right to the top of the water line.

  • probably your java moss went to shock after is being introduced into your aquarium. did you acclimate your java moss to your tank when you got it to let get use to the tank temperature? did you add any fertilizations?

    when i got my java moss it went a bit brown until it get use to a fish tank for a couple of weeks with fertilizations and co2 liquid treatments. if you don't use fertilizations i would suggest you to use it as there will be a chance that your java moss will recover if you will use plant food .

    sorry for saying this but all plants need fertilizations and C02 to survive and recover from damages. with out your java moss won't recover. i would suggest you to get c02 liquid treatment which is call easycarbo it really helped to recover my new plants .

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