Tarefa de inglës! Passar esses verbos para o passado!?

O enunciado é esse: Give the Simple Past, the past participle and the Translation of these Irregular verbs.

Ex. To go - went - gone -- IR

To read -

To throw -

To understand -

To run -

To take -

To drive -

To make -

To do -

To say -

Por favor, preciso das respostas até as onze da manhã!


  • To read - read - read - ler

    To throw - threw - thrown - arremessar

    To understand - understood - understood - entender

    To run - ran - run - correr

    To take - took - taken - pegar, levar

    To drive - drove - driven - dirigir

    To make - made - made - fazer, fabricar

    To do - did - done - fazer

    To say = said - said - dizer

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