Natural flea remedies???

Is there a such thing as natural flea remedies for dog and cats. I dont like the idea of putting chemicals on my pets. Is there another way?


  • I went through the same dilemma as you and have tried just about everything. The first thing to tell you is that nothing natural works instantly. If you are looking for a quick solution you will not find it. However there are a few great products that you can buy that can work.

    Many people find it hard to believe that changing the pets to a natural high quality food will help eliminate a flea problem, but it is the first step.

    Supplements are.. imported brewers yeast (one tablespoon per day to 50 lbs) or one teaspoon to an adult cat or small dog. Adding a chopped clove of garlic or garlic oil to the food since garlic also helps remove the threat of tapeworms.

    If your pets are experiencing flea dermatitis adding Vit B1 or Oil of Evening Primrose to the diet will be beneficial.

    citrus Oil is an excellent product and can be mixed in water and a spray bottle with a squirt on the dog or cat every now and again. (You can make your own with Oranges, Lemons, grapefruit etc and boil them down in a large pot). Citronella can be extremely toxic to cats and de'limonene has been found to cause nerve damage.

    In your home treat places like the window sill (if you have a cat) and book cases. For your garden you can use a mixture of 1/2 and 1/2 beer and dish soap applied to the lawn with a hose sprayer. Or you can use the citrus mixture if you decide to make it yourself, or you can buy Diatomaceous Earth at the hardware store. Make sure you buy the bleached form used in swimming pool fileters - inexpensive but highly effective. - this will take about 3 weeks to be completely effective but will last a long time. Kills off all forms of flea cycle.

    The only thing that works is persistance. Good luck

  • Brewers yeast can work, and you can get it in flakes at health food stores. Sprinkle it on food, or mix with wet food...but I don't know how much they need to eat for it to be effective.

    BUT, if you live in a really warm area, one that's prone to flea infestations, go with a product that's water resistant and that you apply between your pets shoulder blades on the skin. These products are used once a month, are VERY effective, and pose little risk for your pet or you as compared to powders sprays and even flea collars (which are a waste of money!).

    Frontline is a good choice. BUT ONLY USE AS RECOMMENDED, this means use the dog type only for dogs and the cat type only for cats!!

  • You can use finely chopped garlic in small amounts or sprinkle a teaspoon of wheat germ in with their food. Both work wonders for fleas and are natural with no gross chemicals. Keeping your lawn as short as possible will help too because fleas and ticks like taller grass to breed in.

  • i've heard of feeding animals garlic tablets made specifically for animals. the garlic is a natural pest deterrent. eucalyptus is also a flea deterrent.

    have you tried an organic flea collar?

  • Brewer's yeast. It takes terrible, but works great. Go to health food stores and get tablets.

  • i really think medicine is the only way of getting rid of fleas.

  • The web site below should help you out.

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