If u dont use a pad?

this is stupid but i know it will go through you clothes but will it go down ur leg like if u are wearing shorts or a skirt


  • If you use no other protection, then yes. Plus, why would you want that in your underwear anyways?? That's so gross, not to mention embarrassing. If you don't like pads, atleast wear tampons.

  • Of course it will go down your leg. If you're sitting it can slide to your butt too. It will go wherever gravity takes it and will soak whatever it hits whether it's a pad or clothes. If you don't use a pad, tampon or menstrual cup you will get blood everywhere and you will be a mess. A few drops of blood will stain clothes but not be as much hassle as if you went without any protection for a few hours.

  • its is blood blood is a liquid liquids go through cloth and gravity pulls all matter twards everything and since the earth is the largest thing near then it would go twards the earth so unless you are doing a hand stand or are in space when you have your period then yes it will go down your leg

  • Depending on the heaviness of your flow, it might drip, flow out, or drip down your leg. I wouldn't recommend going without protection at all, haven't you had this happen when you take a shower?

  • Sorry, but that is sorta nasty either way you put it. If you don't...and are wearing underwear...then it's gonna stain it and probably go through your clothes..and if your comando....then that's jus plain nasty...

    Buy a tampon.

  • Yeah duh. My friend in the middle of class forgot to change her pad and it filled up so much that it went down her leg once.

    Don't try not wearing a pad or tampon..thats gross.


  • it will, depending on the flow and how heavy your period is. i have had my period since 6th grade, so i was pretty young when i got it. use a pad, or tampon, dont everrr take the change of not wearing one

  • uh yeh

    where a pad or something

    dont try to not where it

    thats gross


  • it kinda depends...if u r just starting your menstral cycle probly not.But it still depends on how heavy your flow is. If i where u i would where a pad...just incase.

  • most likely yes

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