Girls do you ever feel ugly?
I feel soo ugly when I'm at home, and I usually have a very low self esteem about my body because I'm so thin..what really gets to me is how easily guys are fooled and actually think I'm pretty. I've had soo many experiences where they fall for me and stuff and I just don't understand it! :S Don't get me wrong I am flattered, like any other girl would be..but I feel like its soo wrong, and I'm "fake pretty"...its hard to explain, because I know how dead I look at home, hair tied, baggy sweats, no makeup etc. And I know for sure I don't look attractive, but when I step out, and get dressed and everything its like I can't even recognize myself sometimes. I feel so ugly all the time yet people are fooled and think I'm pretty..
Am I the only one who feels this way? Does this ever happen to you?
Update:Thanks so much girls for your thoughtful answers, I'm glad Im not the only one
Its really hard to choose the best one.
Your not alone I feel ugly when I'm home and I'm unpolished you have to learn to love yourself and that's almost impossible when I'm home in sweats looking cruddy. It's an occasional feeling that hits every girl I doubt people can be perfectly polished all the time everyone has ugly moments. Find yourself.
Every girl feels ugly at some point in their life.
And it's not like you're fooling people when you are wearing make-up or dressy clothes. A lot of women look different when they're not wearing make-up. And being thin is a good thing, as long as you're eating healthily of course.
Your not alone and everybody is self conscious. The first feature I disliked about me was my hair - I think I was 9-12. Afterward I used to think I had the worst nose and even began planning my future plastic surgery- even found a surgeon. Then i hated my thighs because they "jiggled''. Some dissatisfaction with myself always haunted me when I felt down or depressed and it still does. Do not worry your not alone.
Yeah its one of he worst things about being a girl. Every girl criticizes their selves. Its something to do with hormones. I too have low self esteem... Its annoying and painful, but you shouldn't let it control your life. I went all through middle school wearing a jacket because i thought i was fat. It turns out i am underweight.. Yeah everyone does at some point..
each female does. even however extremely is moping around all day going to make you think approximately from now on useful? have self belief me i've got felt like that earlier too.. i'm 17 i upward thrust up interior the morning and that i could desire to positioned on a sweater to cover myself up butchronic myself to throw on regular clothing to look first fee. (and of path each and each individual continuously has to ask you why your dressed up! Cant all and sundry merely be content cloth which you merely took the time to look passable?!) besides.. Slap on some lip gloss, brush your hair and get out and do what you stumble on impossible to stand as much as to do.. you suspect that individuals are staring.. even however extremely they could care much less! The critical element is which you already be attentive to and have self belief eye-catching an it is all that matters. BTW you dont prefer guy acquaintances.. call up your girlfriends and do the concerns you men prefer to do.. have self belief ME incredibly staying at homestead isnt going that might actually assist you suspect bigger. merely genuine luck! you at the instant are no longer hideous!
slap a grin on!
aww girl i think all girls feel like this. im the exact same way. at home a lot of the times i feel like i look like a complete bum like shorts and a tee and i dont feel attractive. when i go out i wear cute clothes, make my hair look cute. i feel sometimes like i have to try hard to be pretty you know .like i don't know its weird.
Im a girl and really feel ugly. See where i live, a lot of ignorant people ask me if ima boy or a girl and its embarrassing. So...duh, i feel ugly.