How do I remove duplicate music files from my computer?

I have a music folder and about 2 or 3 sub folders in it. When I download music, the files will sometimes save to all of the folders, so I have some songs saved multiple times. All these files are making my computer run very slow.

How do I remove the duplicate songs without deleting them from my computer completely? (There are probably about 2100-2300 altogether)

Also, what settings do I change on my computer to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future?


  • This is very hard to to match music files and find duplicate but you can do it by any audio compare software that can match audio length and various tags . Thanks

  • This seems like a tough one. I would simply copy all my music (in the iTunes library, or the library of the program you are using) and paste it to a specific folder. Then, delete all the music that is in the other, error ridden folders. Simply upload your new folder back into iTunes (or whatever program you happen to be using) and go about your life happily. Have a nice day!

  • The music would not make your PC run slow. I would question the source and if the are infected with viruses or malware. That would slow your PC.

    You need to change the settings on what you are downloading with, to fix the multiple files and folders problem.

  • you're able to do initiate - seek, decide on the pictures, track, Video link (green arrow) and enable the quest run. Then click on the "call" header of seek consequences and you will see duplicates. then you definately confirm which one to delete. computing gadget mag has a application to discover and get rid of reproduction data. seem under the link under.

  • I think Audio Comparer can help you. Check this site -

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