"Bass Ackward" a Serious impromptu, please will you c-c?

`I don`t know what comes over her

or if she`s got 10 brains in her

for when I think she`s lyin` low

she springs up sparkling .... all-innocence, ya know!

She never misses a single beat

though she says her drumkit`s skin`s no treat

i imagine this and i wonder that but

it ain`t no deal - she`s a purry smart cat!

I love i wonder i withdraw i blunder

then all my considerations fall asunder

When she comes out straight-faced with a stinger, like no-one else could!

You`re right .. it`s Dallas,lighting hearts again, with her day`s treat - Jus` So - `bass ackward!`


I intend to plagiarise this expresion, to appear to agree with my family if necessaire.TY, Dallas *****


H.D. I just read an answer of hers, and she blew my

heart to rofl calling herself (wrongly) `bass ackward`...an` this is typically

her -gotcha, kittens` so she gets today`s best fresh bass ackward :) poem k. :)

that is one heck of a being she is


  • Lapiz

    I did not pay attention to meter other than the flow while reading it, I set my sights to enjoy the poem rather than try and pick apart the syllable count. Sometimes perfection in poetry is really imperfection.

    I enjoyed the poem and your impressive ability to bring it to us off the cuff.

    A sad observation though: Take Humpty Dumpty's first sentence. (name is our own good girl) I said that once about a poet here who will never answer my poems, (things folks are not always what they seem) and I was humiliated in public by a person who stars her poems as if they were under this persons total control. Not only that, but family and life threatened. I have all the evidence---Yahoo did nothing. Yet this person is loved by all, a love fest of sorts. I do not get it, because their inaction has, at least in my view, caused a lot of pain for anyone that gets in their way.

    This is the part of Yahoo that saddens me---it is a haven for those who anger and survival rests on how much damage they can cause others. Some might say, "Well, leave then" I am not going to leave, and do what was wanted in the first place. I like most people here, love in fact, but this multiple personality/multiple account manipulation stuff has got to be exposed, and stopped. If I end up being a whipping boy for it, fine. I do not suspect to have a long life left anyway. If it can help some of the younger people and new poets, some who get downright scared off, then so be it. Yahoo will do nothing.

    Not meaning to cause problems here, simply speaking the truth, which is a hard thing to deal with some times, but I know several who have left, and are flat out scared to come back. Decent men and woman. What they did not realize in me is that they ran into a very resilient Irish Golden Retriever, albeit a sick one right now.

    Anyway, very good poem, and have a wonderful week to you and all.



  • I think this is a wonderful poem. It sounds soft and gets to you right away.

    I know you have to have a title and a conclusion but bass ackward strikes me a being local. Also the original form really means someone who is doing something all wrong.

    I'm wondering if Dallas is a name of a person or do you mean the city in Texas. (I'm not local)

    But never mind these considerations. The poem in nice all the same.

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  • Dallas is our own good girl. This was full of "spontane" and we all love her so. Bass ackward indeed! Wait a minute - is this about a fish? Bass what? Don't worry she will love that.

  • Due to storms, I'm behind on my reading.

    But, she always knocks my socks off! She inspired a poem of mine lately, then was shocked that she had inspired it!

    She's a keeper, ya know?

    Well done. Wish I'da thought of it!

  • A potpourri of clever writing,

    full of little surprises sprinkled throughout.

    It all coalesces with a tribute

    to Dallas, who always

    inspires me to write

    with her enormous talent.

    Well done, Lapiz.

  • Dallas is quite prolific including her twisting of words! lol One always gets a "sal lad" from Dallas!

  • Nice to see your poem so play--ful !

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