Xbox 360 co op campaign?

I have gears of war. love the game and me and my bro play it alot but i wanna know what are some good split screen OFFLINE campaign games to play


  • There's Halo 3, Lego Star Wars, Kane & Lynch, and I think Army of Two also has it. Unfortunately, most 360 games that offer co-op only offer online co-op.

  • do u guys play online???

    and by the way Halo 3 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 have it but only co-op for campaign, not online

  • Here's a more detailed list:

    Halo 3 (has 2 player co-op)

    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (has 2 player co-op)

    Army of Two (has 2 player co-op)

    Rainbow Six Vegas (has 2 player co-op)

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (has 2 player co-op)

    Perfect Dark Zero (has 2 player co-op)

    And yes, all those games' co-op are splitscreen OFFLINE campaign. I played them with my bro as well :)

  • Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Gears of war 1 and 2.

  • army of two - call of duty 5 is coming out on november - halo 3

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