Is it kime-era, or shim-era?
I have heard it both ways, said many times; television, internet, etc...
So which is it?
How To Pronounce Chimera
Chimera Pronunciation
This is the way to pronounce it: [ki-meer-uh]
So basically the first one (kime-era)
kime-era, according to websters dictionary
ky (rhymes with high, pie, sky)
MEER (rhymes with beer, hear, cheer)
uh (EITHER – like the "u" in cut, hut – OR – the "a" in above, about)
chi-me-ra <- stress-wise
kim-era <- pronunciation-wise
How To Pronounce Chimera
Chimera Pronunciation
This is the way to pronounce it: [ki-meer-uh]
So basically the first one (kime-era)
kime-era, according to websters dictionary
ky (rhymes with high, pie, sky)
MEER (rhymes with beer, hear, cheer)
uh (EITHER – like the "u" in cut, hut – OR – the "a" in above, about)
chi-me-ra <- stress-wise
kim-era <- pronunciation-wise