Fast food service, work problems. Serious deal.?

I work for a fast food restaurant named Chicken Express. When I first started working there it was great. Steady stream of four, six-hour shifts a week at minimum wage, as a full-time worker, which was just over enough to cover my rent. I was given specifically a "full-time job". But they're opening a new store across town so, they're hiring a bundle of extra people to train them for the new store. Meaning we have twice the workers we should have. my shifts have been cut drastically to one, four-hour shift a week. I'm going to get kicked out of my apartment because I can't make rent!

Is it just me or is this incredulous? What should I do about it? Can I sue? Report it to OSHA? This is making a serious mark on my life! What do I do?


I'm 17 years old. My parents kicked me out 5 months ago and the best job I could get with this one. What can I do? I need actual advice, not just "suck it up", because that's not going to pay my rent, ********.

Update 3:

It's my second real job, I was a manager at my last job for almost a year, at age 16, I might add. This is why I hate yahoo!answers. People get on here to put down other people, not help them.


  • That's completely ridiculous! Why not transfer some of you guys there until they got it under control? They handled this situation like idiots, I would complain to your boss and if they don't do anything take it over there heads to the guys upstairs.

  • First of all, four six-hour shifts is NOT full time. Full time is 40 hours a week.

    Minimum wage is for kids living at home. If you are an adult with bills to pay, you should be well past part time minimum wage jobs!

    Of course you cant sue or report them! Unless you have a contract stating a specific number of hours, there is nothing to do.

    Have you tried talking to your manager and reminding them that you have bills???

  • This is your first real job huh? How would you expect to sue them when you can't even pay your rent. No lawyer is going to take your case unless you put up big money and even then, (if they are honest), they will tell you that you will lose.

    Most states are 'at will' employment. In other words they can fire you just because you complain too much. They don't have to give you any hours at all.

    I suggest you start looking for a new job right away. Nothing else is going to cut it.

  • To begin with the intent she is like that's due to emphasize. It has nothing to do with you for my part however considering the fact that you are the only one in the condo you are the one who police officers it! Additionally, she is tight with money on account that she doesn't have a lot to spare. If she works all day she does it for the money and is certainly tired. Additionally, you may also not comprehend the whole thing that si occurring in her life. You don't know if your dad abused her or no longer - best she does. Repeatedly verbal abuse can be simply as bad and i am certain your father and mother acted otherwise whilst you had been around. Are attempting doing a number of fine matters in your mum and notice how that goes. Perhaps run her a shower for when she gets dwelling with bubble tub and let her calm down for a whilst. Might be stat preparing dinner for her one night time. If it is only the 2 of you you ought to help out. Additionally, i'm certain she wasn't irritated just when you consider that you ate cheese. She will have been having a foul day and selected to yell at you. But had been you consuming it earlier than dinner? Was once it since she needed it for sandwiches for the following day? Also, things could also be bad along with your mum but what makes you feel they will be any higher with your dad? Even though it does not help the drawback, your mum is acting this way due to stress. If there's a money difficulty she would possibly not need to fear you and this is why she reacts the way she does while you spend even your possess money. She may worry that you may need to use it later on if she does not have ample. And all parenst try to get their kids to save. You haven't mentioned brothers or sisters but is there any one else that you just would speak to? Are attempting being fine and spot how that goes. Most humans deal with humans the way in which they deal with them. Like if a man or woman is fine to me i would be high-quality again. If they are rude i am impolite again. Most folks react that manner.

  • You can't sue and OSHA won't care. There's nothing illegal about cutting an employee's hours.

    Suck it up until the new place opens or find another job.

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