Why do us American's celebrate Cinco de Mayo???

It's has not much historical significance for the US nor Mexico for that matter.


Mexican Independance Day is on September 16th, not May 5th. I it was of some importance just not as much as other events like Hidalgo campaigning for independence from the spanich crown in 1810.


  • it has great historical importance for Mexico, but not so much for the US. on the other hand, if Mexico had lost, those southwest states could be speaking more French than Spanish. I don't celebrate it, but I am interested in other cultures and their holidays. we celebrate St Patrick's Day even though it doesn't have historical significance for the US either.

  • I am Mexican and we do not know neither why do Americans think that 5 de Mayo is the most important date to celeb.

    In fact, for us the most important historical event to be celebrated is September 16th, 1810 which is regarded as our Independence Day (as for you is July 4th, 1776).

    May 5th, 1862 is important because that day, Mexican Army went victorious over French Army (when Napoleon III decided to invade Mexico in his imperialists dreams), but not so great that even in our country is not an observed day.

    ¡Saludos desde México! (Greetings from Mexico!)

  • because half our country is taken over by hispanics** & it gives us a reason to party like every other holiday does!! LOL no, in all reality it DOES have historical significance to Mexico. They were occupied & controlled by the French for quite some time. That was the day they had a victory over the French (for their freedom) in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It's almost like our July 4th.

    **I have nothing against them....I dated a Mexican guy for a while & he was a wonderful guy.

  • maximum individuals do no longer. yet those that do are probable those that commemorate St. Patrick's day, even however they do no longer seem to be Irish. some human beings basically elect an excuse to occasion.

  • Cause it is a fun, "sunny or warm" drinking holiday. I can hear the mariachi band already. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!

  • Do Mexican's/Mexico celebrate any U.S. holidays? I'm just asking!!!

  • Because we all want a reason to get wasted! And Corona's with a lime is a good way to do it!

  • to drink coronas and enjoy Mexican food

  • We always enjoy an excuse to get drunk.

  • Oh heck, we'll celebrate anything! LOL

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