Homemade pregnancy test?

OK so i want to try the test with tylenol and peroxide,,,but i dont have tylenol so i wondered if maybe it work with midol? AND! does anyone have any suggestions? other than getting a pregnancy test caue my friend is buying me one but im way to anxious...and not in a good way.


you cush up tylenol. put a half cap of peroxide. mix with urine. if it turns blue suppsedly you are pregnant. idk thought it would be something to help ease the stress


  • Just leave the pregnancy test making up to the professionals and wait.. if you were in such a hurry you should of went with her and took it at the store lol. If that makes you cringe then that means you could of went; bought it, and waited until you got home.. so that means you can wait. Save you pee for the real test

  • what r u suppose to do with this stuff

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