How do I receive a apartment mailbox key?

I recently moved into an apartment with my two brothers but they receive their male at a different location than the apartment they live in. Since I have moved in I now want to receive my mail at this location but none of us know how the process works to obtain a mailbox key. I have already changed my address through the post office to this location that I would like to receive the mail at, all I need is the key. Does the landlord have all the keys to the apartment mailboxes or is there a separate process I have to complete with the post office in order to get the key? Thanks!


  • You need to talk to the apartment manager. Some apartment boxes are owned by the apartments (usually the ones that are attached to a wall), some boxes belong to the post office (usually free standing boxes). The apartment manager will know, AND be able to give you a key if they haven't given it to your brothers already (and they lost it) - they can change the lock and get you a new key.. .or, they will tell you that the post office takes care of the boxes.

    If it is the post office that owns the boxes, then you need to go to the P.O and order a key. Some post offices charge a returnable deposit for the key, some charge a non-returnable fee for the key. Usually, they will change the lock on the box and that happens whenever the clerk in charge of changing locks gets around to it, usually several days later. Meanwhile, you should put your mail on hold at the P.O. so that you can go and pick up your mail every couple of days until the lock is changed.

    All boxes are different, and all post offices are different on how they handle apartment boxes. Talk to the apartment manager.

  • The apartment management offers A key to the boxes. You need to get your family to leave the key on a hook so you can get the mail. There's no need to carry the key everywhere they go. It will be fine inside the apartment.

  • talk to the landlord or apartment manager. They should have given it to you when you got keys.

  • You need to ask the landlord. Plus if you and your brothers haven't informed the landlord that you moved in, you need to or you all risk getting evicted.

  • not the land lord it is a seperate process but not the post office...either pay 33 dollars per 6 months and get pobox or just use email

  • Why aren't you asking the landlord instead of people on here who know nothing about the apartment?

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