Do you consider a serial lottery winner lucky or skillful?

Richard Lustig won top lottery prizes seven times totaling over $1M, and smaller prizes totally hundreds of thousands of dollars which he accumulated over 17 years. He didn't cheat; he didn't hack into the lottery computers. If he cheated, he would have been in jail a long time ago, and he continues to win. Does he have a method, or does he just have pure luck running through his veins?


Cork, you are screwed. Did you even read the article, or do you just go around making lighted-hearted shallow comments without reading?


  • Lotto is an intellectual play for intellectual people

    If your man won and win , he is skilled without doubt.

    And say people what they want to say is no matter at all.

    I know and I believe that he has a method for that.


  • I did read the article and I watched the video. He says he has a method, and he is going to create a book. Here are a few points I'll make:

    #1 - This guys "system" primarily relies on spending TONS and TONS of money on lottery tickets!

    #2 - Anyone who spends TONS of money on lottery tickets has a VERY good chance at "making" over a million dollars in winnings.

    #3 - If he continues to spend TONS of money, he will eventually LOSE more than he has won. Why? Because the only reason he's won so much is because HE'S BEEN LUCKY! Imagine this - If you give me $500,000, I'll give you a 1 out of 4 chance of winning $1,000,000! Is that a good bet? NO!!! It's a HORRIBLE bet! Still, if you take that bet, there IS a chance that you'll win. That's basically what this man has done. He's bet HUGE amounts of money and got lucky enough to come out ahead.

    #4 - Unfortunately, this guy will likely always be rich. Why - because he's making this book. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of ignorant people will believe this guy can actually make them money. I can only wonder how many millions of dollars will be flushed down the drain because of this guy's advice???

  • winning the lottery is in easy terms success, yet success is a mathematically ideal term that holds limits and identifiers.which ability, success is an element of risk and may be computed. even with each thing, all of us comprehend that in case you purely have one risk to wager one among 2 numbers which you have a 50 % risk. yet nevertheless, no quantity of expertise or ability will help you %. the splendid variety, this is only success. despite the fact that if, via fact the pot of numbers grows and we song those numbers and comprehend how they work together with one yet another on a time-line this is obtainable to narrow the possibilities and advance your success. you will on no account assure a win, yet ability and success are in contact in winning the lottery.


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