Car warranty service?

I have recently brought a car with a car warranty of 3 months.

Because the garage I brought the car from isn't local I have a problem taking my car down to be repaired.

Can I take my car to a local garage to be repaired and have there company billed for the work done to my car.


  • No, the warranty will be the garages own so you will need to take it back there or get them to come and collect it.

  • Ask the supplying dealer, but a pound to a penny the warranty isn't worth the paper it's printed on and you'll be paying for the repair yourself. so you might as well take it to a local garage.

  • Wait 3 months and you wont to deal with the warranty any more.

  • Depends on the fine print in the warranty. Those things are notorious for having fine print that relieves them from honoring what you've paid for, so I avoid them like the plague!

  • Ask your selling dealer, not anonymous Yahoo users.

    After all, if someone here says yes but the selling dealer denies all repair charges, are you going to say that they should cover the costs because someone on Yahoo said so?

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