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o fenônemo turístico está relacionado com as viagens, com a visita a um local diverso do de residência. Assim, o turismo em termos históricos se iniciou quando o homem deixou de ser sedentário e passou a viajar, principalmente motivado pela necessidade de comércio com outros povos.

Há autores que situam o começo do turismo no século VIII aC. Na Grécia, porque as pessoas viajavam para ver os jogos olímpicos a cada quatro anos. Outros acreditam que os primeiros viajantes foram os fenícios, por terem sido os inventores da moeda e do comércio. Os romanos viajavam: por prazer, comércio e descoberta. Entretanto, essas viajem eram realizadas apenas por uma parte da população: os homens livres. Eles teriam sido os primeiros a viajar por prazer.


  • The tourism phenomenon (prefira usar só tourism, sem o phenomenon) is related to travels and visits to different locals. Therefore, the tourism in historical terms, started when humans no longer settled-down and began travelling, mainly motivated by commercial needs with other people.

    There are writers who quote the tourism's beginning in the 8th century B.C. in Greece, because people traveleed to watch the Olimpic Games every four years (ou four yearly). Some believe that the first travellers were the Phoenicians, because they were the pioneers (ou inventors) of currency and commerce. The Romans travelled for the following reasons: For pleasure, commerce and discovering. But those travels were made only by a small percentage (ou part) of the population: Free men. They were the first ones to travel for pleasure purposes.


    Só pra acrescentar: Turismo não tem absolutamente nada a ver com queda do sedentarismo nem com o retorno do nomadismo. Os turistas não deixaram de ser sedentários. Apenas deixavam seus lares temporariamente e retornavam mais tarde, voltando à rotina. Os "turistas" continuavam sendo sedentários, já que retornavam às suas casas com as especiarias estrangeiras e fazendo comércio com outros povos afim de melhorar ou desenvolver as suas comunidades natais.

    Não tenho nada a ver com o seu texto, mas

    se você concorda com o que digo, troque a frase

    " Therefore, the tourism in historical terms, started when humans no longer settled-down and began travelling, mainly motivated by commercial needs with other people."


    "Therefore, the tourism in historical terms began when humans were motivated by commercial needs".

  • Eu sou Americana!!! A mairoia dessas respostas estao erradas e foram traduzidas por um computador. A resposta correta E o siguinte:

    The phenomenon of tourism is related to trips, with visits to diverse places, leaving one's home or residence. In this way, tourism in the historic sense began when man stopped being sedintary and began traveling, primarily motivated by the necessity of business amongst other people.

    There are authors who cite the beginning of tourism in the ninth century in Greece, because people traveled to see the Olympic Games every four years. Others believe that the first travelers were the Phoenicians, for being the first inventers/users of currency and business. The Romans traveled: for pleasure, business, and discovery. However, these travels were completed by a certain part of the population: the free man. They were the first to travel for leisure.

  • fenônemo the tour is related to the trips, with the visit to a place other than the residence. Thus, tourism in terms of history began when the man ceased to be sedentary and started to travel, mainly driven by the need to trade with other nations.

    There are authors who located the beginning of tourism in the century BC. In Greece, because people traveled to see the Olympics every four years. Others believe that the first travellers were the Phoenicians, for having been the inventors of the currency and trade. The Romans travelled: for pleasure, trade and discovery. However, those travelling were made by only one part of the population: men free. They would have been the first to travel for pleasure.

  • Muita coisa,affe,to fora

  • the phenomenon is related to the tourist travel, with the visit to a place other than the residence. Thus, tourism in terms of history began when the man ceased to be sedentary and started to travel, mainly driven by the need to trade with other nations.

    There are authors who located the beginning of tourism in the century BC. In Greece, because people traveled to see the Olympics every four years. Others believe that the first travellers were the Phoenicians, for having been the inventors of the currency and trade. The Romans travelled: for pleasure, trade and discovery. However, those travelling were made by only one part of the population: men free. They would have been the first to travel for pleasure.

  • O jeito certo é este:

    The phenomenon tour is related to the trips, with the visit to a place other than the residence. Thus, tourism in terms of history began when the man ceased to be sedentary and started to travel, mainly driven by the need to trade with other nations.

    There are authors who located the beginning of tourism in the century BC. In Greece, because people traveled to see the Olympics every four years. Others believe that the first travellers were the Phoenicians, for having been the inventors of the currency and trade. The Romans travelled: for pleasure, trade and discovery. However, those travelling were made by only one part of the population: men free. They would have been the first to travel for pleasure.

  • deixa eu por favor

  • the tourist fenônemo is related with the trips, with the visit to a several place of the one of residence. Like this, the tourism in historical terms began when the man stopped being sedentary and it started to travel, mainly motivated by the trade need with other people. There are authors that place the beginning of the tourism in the century VIII aC. In Greece, because the people traveled to see the Olympic games every four years. Others believe that the first travelers were the Phoenician ones, for they have been the inventors of the coin and of the trade. The Romans traveled: for pleasure, trade and discovery. However, those travel were accomplished just by a part of the population: the free men. They would have been the first ones to travel for pleasure. nao posso garantir pois foi por um programa mais ele e muito bom


  • The phenomenon the tour is related to the trips, with the visit to a place other than the residence. Thus, tourism in terms of history began when the man ceased to be sedentary and started to travel, mainly driven by the need to trade with other nations.

    There are authors who located the beginning of tourism in the century BC. In Greece, because people traveled to see the Olympics every four years. Others believe that the first travellers were the Phoenicians, for having been the inventors of the currency and trade. The Romans travelled: for pleasure, trade and discovery. However, those travelling were made by only one part of the population: men free. They would have been the first to travel for pleasure.

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