Okay I made up a scenario for you guys?

We are trapped in a car under a GIANT snow bank. Like 60 feet deep. With no cell phone reception. Would you

A. Try to dig your way out

B. Accept your death

BQ. if you chose B what would your last words be. Any confessions...???


@Brandon...dude...have you ever TRIED to tunnel out of alot of snow. The weight is too much its nearly impossible to even move through! I had a 5 ft snow fort collapse on me one. I couldnt even move let alone tunnel myself out. Just wanted to see if anyone would try.


  • I would collapse into a weeping heap of tears until the hero in this scenario (your cue) threw themselves into action in a 'Do or Die" fashion. Either way, I win.

  • Why would I accept death in a situation where I could reasonably escape? If you break your window and tunnel upward at a diagonal angle, you could get out of there. And if I was going to die, why would I just yell into the snow a confession?

  • Try to dig myself out, keeping in mind if I need to urinate, it will help melt the snow.

  • A.

    I refuse to give up anything without a vicious fight.

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