Barack Obamas dad was from a British Colony? Wtf?

Secret files from British colonial rule - once thought lost - have been released by the government, one year after they came to light in a High Court challenge to disclose them.

Some of the papers cover controversial episodes: the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, the evacuation of the Chagos Islands, and the Malayan Emergency.

They also reveal efforts to destroy and reclassify sensitive files.

The Foreign Office says it is now releasing "every paper" it can.

But academics say the Foreign Office's "failure" to deliver the archive for decades has created a "legacy of suspicion".

In particular, the first batch of papers reveal:

Official fears that Nazis - pretending to catch butterflies - were plotting to invade East Africa in 1938

Detailed accounts of the policy of seizing livestock from Kenyans suspected of supporting Mau Mau rebels in the 1950s

Secret plans to deport a Greek Cypriot leader to the Seychelles despite launching talks with him to end a violent rebellion in Cyprus in 1955

Efforts to deport Chagos islanders from the British Indian Ocean Territories

Concerns over the "anti-American and anti-white" tendency of Kenyan students sent to study in the US in 1959 - the same year Barack Obama's Kenyan father enrolled at university in Hawaii

In January 2011 - following a High Court case brought by four Kenyans involved in the Mau Mau rebellion - the government was forced to admit that 8,800 files had been secretly sent to Britain from colonies, prior to their independence.

The file lists the Kenyans, who began studying in the US in 1959, including one "OBAMA Barrack H", who enrolled at the University of Hawaii. At the age of 23 he was the institution's first African student.



And how is it racist?


  • Let me spell it out for you: President Obama's father is from Kenya, Kenya used to be a British colony, Obama's father was born in Kenya before it achieved independence, ERGO Obama's father is from a British colony!

    Why is that surprising? The American public has known about this since he started his presidential campaign. He was born in Hawaii, to an American mother, so he's an American.

    And I don't know if you're trying to imply that President Obama's father was some sort of Mau Mau person or that he was anti-American or whatever, but the British keeping secret files on him doesn't mean he ever did anything. They apparently kept an awful lot of files.

  • "And how is it racist?"

    It's not racist. Just incoherent and meaningless.

  • A good deal of that is already known, including the Nazi plans.

    Mr. Obama's father was probably a "Colombo Plan" student.

  • John boehner is really a democrat too. You can nugent better than that!

  • Then Osama should have tried to be Queen of England instead of President of US.

  • Wooow

    I live down the road from Janet Woodrow's house in Carlisle England, she was the mother of Woodrow Wilson the 28th President. Woodrow actually visited Carlisle and donated a plaque to the Cathedral.

    How is that any different from Obama's father being born in Kenya?

  • Who cares? By the time any of this could get through congressional impeachment hearings, Obama would be in his FOURTH term as Dictator.

    None of this has any meaning now, seven months before the election.

    Just vote the S.O.B. out of office.

  • Yeah, we know- not a citizen, CIA involvement, altered birth certificate, missing records, etc. Not too much we can actually do about it at this point but refuse to vote the fascist back into office.

  • So Obama's dad came from Kenya, so what?

    We all have to come from somewhere, surely his name must given away the fact he didn't come from Ireland.

  • Source? Didnt think so. Oh but while we're on the subject..

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