Train grade crossing problems?

ive been noticing that the trains are coming closer and closer to the train crossings before they activate and tim beginning to worry about that. We're blaming it on the drivers but we also have to look at the grade crossing tech and hardware too.


  • Grade crossings are high tech already. They work well. The problem is it's inability to automatically handle a situation stupidity created by a Darwin challenged delta-minus semi-moron.

    The law provides the rules for trains approaching and occupying a crossing at grade, including the distance or time specified that the warning devices must be activated, specifically whistle, bell, headlights and ditch lights. Usually people want to know why we make so much racket. Now you have the answer.

    But ya know what?

    Electromechanical devices of any kind can malfunction. But, didja ever have a toaster or coffee pot quit on ya?

    Here is the thing. Crossing protection does have battery backup for a power failure, and in remote areas the devices have batteries as their primary, as well as only source of power. However, there are other things that can render the devices inoperative. The how and why is immaterial for certain reasons, but twice in my career I operated trains over active track with no speed restriction, and the gates, lights and bells that people will casually bet their life on, wasn't working.

    Stop, Look, Listen. Ok, stopping isn't always an option, but if you must, don't crowd the gates. Lading off an open car or a derailment can plop a boxcar right in your lap. If you can, stop back 50' if able to do so.

    Look means just that. A quick glance can get you killed. Here is the reason why:

    In the listen department, pause the tunes, roll the window down before nearing the crossing and listen for the whistle. Even if in a snow storm. Well, especially in a snow storm. The whistles are air horns and in snowy conditions, they plug up with snow pretty rapidly, and sound a pitiful squeak instead of the usual, earsplitting blast at 120 dB from what is referred to as a sound "point source." The sound drops off in a fashion easy to calculate, but that point is moot if the whistle isn't working. But that was a question from the other day...

    Which brings us back to 'look' as the most important of the three. I think it should be in order as Pull up short of lowered gates, do not pull onto a crossing where the gates are raised until you know there is room for you to clear the track on the other side. Traffic can pin you on top of the track. Look, Listen, Look again in case there was nothing to listen for since a plugged up whistle is on the approach in the first place.

    Train speed is not a factor. In 2010, there was a yard crew making a switching move over a grade crossing. Moving at a fast walking speed, a car derailed, rolled over on its side, in slow motion, crushing the idiot whose hood was nearly touching the lowered gates.

    Give yourself as much advantage as you can when dealing with trains on the move, who have no compunction about killing you... I'd say, treat 'em like a rattlesnake.

    Now you know. Tell someone who you care about that doesn't.

  • The trains may be going too fast. Some control boxes at R/R crossing have a phone number to call if there is any problem.

    You could call city hall and ask them about who to call about this problem.

  • Has your physician permitted of you going for walks like this? Just as a main issue in your wellbeing and im certain you realize--going for walks and cardiovascular disorders do not normally combine good. Also, if you're in top tuition or school, you are going to want your physician to transparent you to run competitively. As for the great solution to educate: begin with a couple of miles and paintings your approach up. Don't develop your mileage too swiftly, while you emerge as relaxed at going for walks 2 miles difference to an exchange among going for walks 2 miles sooner or later 3 the following till you'll be able to run 3 miles and consider relaxed doing it. Improving speed will come as you upgrade your distance (you will not have got to do pace workout routines now for the reason that you must simplest be constructing a base--the workout routines will come later--you'll be able to do mile repeats or repeats of any shorter distance at a quicker speed then you definately might by and large do on a distance run). As for bettering type, simply paintings a little to your type every day and ultimately it'll emerge as extra usual to you. Keep your fingers low and calm down them (do not swing them greater than midway throughout your chest). Also you desire to stick normally directly up and down as you run (now not wholly) however you desire to restrict "hopping" or relocating extra up and down than ahead.

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