How do you pass time in long car rides?


  • throw a clock out the car window

    there you just passed time

    ba dum dum tish (cough cough)

    ipod sleep and mindless staring at people for fun on the highway

  • Im going to a 3 hour car ride this august 11 and I usually just sleep, eat snack, Play tick tack toe , pinch my fingers and see which ones hurt the most, look at the landscape,Drnk water but not to much or youll have to pee alot!

  • discover the full allphabet on the line. Play with a DS study a mag Play hanheld video games Get the miles of smiles e book by skill of yank lady - a lot of activities to do interior the motor vehicle. Watch video clips on a transportable DVD participant. count quantity indications. Get an pastime e book Sleep study A catelog Make up your guy or woman little fairy tale on your head. hear to an I-pod you're able to be able to desire to seem up this question on line besides. desire you have a relaxing holiday.

  • Play the license plate game. You have to find all the letters in the alphabet in alphabetical order. Now, on license plates there's no "O" so you can just look for the 0 (zero). So Start with A and work your way to Z or do it backward! :)

  • I control the radio, flick through magazines, read books, draw, write, look out of the window & watch DVDs if my little sister has brought her portable DVD player along.

  • 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

  • Make out in the backseat with a cute girl.

  • Be on ur labtop,read a book,text. All kinds of stuff. =)

  • enjoying the music

  • sleep,sing to the radio, and read if i get bored enuff

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