translate tamil to english ponda means?

ponda means .translate in english .this is tamil world.


  • I think you got the spelling wrong.

    There is no such word 'ponda' in tamil language.

  • ponda is misspelt.

    May be poda - it means ordering someone to 'go'.

    Franky and cute baby,Yahoo members, are 'frank and cute' to decipher a slang word.But here 'o' is to be replaced by 'u'.

    Did someone tell you to go or abuse you with the slang word.

    You can construe the meaning accordingly.

    Po venda is 'Don't go'.

    May be Po venda is pronounced as 'ponda'.

    'Bonda' is a snack like 'Vada'.

    A real incident:

    A boy was traveling in a train with his parents.

    A vendor selling 'Bonda and Tea' in a station en route was shouting 'bondatea' 'bondatea'.

    The boy innocently replied that vendor was selling 'wife',in Tamil wife is 'Pendati'

  • do you know Tamil ?

    "ponda" meaning in English is "vagina".

  • don't use such kind of word in this area its a bad word in tamil,

    "ponda" meaning in english is "vagina".

  • ponda is not a tamil word but a telugu word with chittor /karnataka /ananthapur dist particular dialect.

    it means you can go sir/madam ( or shall i say a respectful goodbye!)

  • Bonda - is a Deep fried snack . there is no ponda

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