Y!A is censored?

I read an article that China government is now censoring (terminating the network connection to) the video sharing websites, like YouTube and other various western video sharing sites (as you know because of Tibet riot).

I am wondering if some people in China can't access here, Y!A, as well. I guess big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are ok. But how about the connection from surrounding provinces like Sichuan, Hubei, Qinghai, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Shaanxi (these are just an example)?

I think the respond of Chinese people here diminished a little bit compared before.


oh thanks guys for infos. Internet cafes might be different from personal PCs.

Update 3:

adolphusguzman: Look. I don't say American news. But the YouTube issues was true. And I don't say Y!A is censored, but I just asked here. That's all.


  • I'm in the Henan Province of China, and I'm having no problems with yahoo Answers so far. Sometimes I have problems with the Associated Press news articles that you get through Yahoo, but eventually they will come up.

    I just tired youtube, but it didn't come up. It just gives me the "Internet Explorer can not display the webpage", which means it could be censored, but might work again later. I've never been able to access wikipedia... whats the deal with that?

    I've heard that the internet bars here are more restrictive then personnel computers, and that getting any info on tibet is difficult. But, my Chinese students just use the internet for games and chatting, so they don't really know much about what is going on....yet.

  • I think they can.

    Got mates working over in China atm- some on business trips and others who've permanently relocated from Aus. A number of them uses social network sites to send msgs/up load photos. So far no complaints yet.

  • I have lived here for 3 years, no problem reading the stupid American news everyday! Your problem is that you believe the American news.

  • Knowledge can not censoring. i am sure that always have link to find path.

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