Why do asians travel in packs?

I've been moving from many schools, and it's the same thing at each school. All of the asians I've ever went to school with only hang out with other Asians. I'm just curious as to why. They all form like some work of big pack/herd (I'm not sure what to call it I'm sorry) and they don't let anyone not Asian hang out with them. All the other races mix together and are friends with everyone. I've only met one Asian in my entire life that was willing to be friends with me. Other than that, whenever I try to talk to them or be friendly, they just look at me disgusted and just be pretty mean to me. I know for sure that not all asians are like that, but I find it weird that I've only found one Asian that was friendly to me. I once got moved to the middle of a big group of asians in geometry class and I was the only non Asian there and they would just kind of glare at me. I asked my friends just to make sure it wasn't me that they hated, but they've all experienced it too. Asians at the schools I've gone to usually talk in Korean/Japanese/Chinese/etc while giggling and pointing at other non asians. It's just kind of uncomfortable. I've asked if they're talking about me, but they just turned and ignored me. I know plenty of other races do that too, but I've never seen it happen with anyone that wasn't Asian. I just want to make it clear I don't want to offend anyone and I'm not intending to generalize or be racist, I'm just genuinely curious. Have you ever seen this happen?


  • bird of a feather... people feel the most comfortable with ones with similar experiences. It's not just Asians, within a city there are communities which pretty much cater to Mexicans, Italians, Blacks... people tend to be drawn to others which they feel a commonality. It doesn't mean it's right, it just happens. If your school has a Japanese or Chinese language course, maybe consider taking it. Language is the first thing which people feel connected to. People who wish to experience cultures of different people must learn the rudimentary principle of their language.

  • There's strength in numbers

  • Asians are very social among each other, I noticed Africans do that too. American (Blacks and Whites) hang together most of the time.

  • they are all connected

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