Do these sentences make sense?

1. The talks went on at some length.

2. The talks went on for some length.

3. The talks went on at some time.

4. The talks went on for some time.

5. The talks went on at a long time.

6. The talks went on for a long time.

7. Some people don't like tea.

8. Any people don't like tea.

9. I thought I heard someone knock at the door.


  • The sensible ones are:

    1. The talks went on at some length.

    4. The talks went on for some time.

    6. The talks went on for a long time.

    7. Some people don't like tea.


    9. I thought I heard someone knock at the door.

    Those people wanting sugar for their tea were pleased when the talks were interrupted by the waitress, I expect.

  • the talks went on for a long time.

    some people don't like tea.

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