How to drop 2 dress sizes ?

I'm goin on holiday in September and need go from a size 14 to a nice size 12. I need lose extra ought and tone up quick. Any ideads on diets or exercises??


I'm 23 about 5ft 5-5ft 6. Weigh 85.7kg


  • Eat less calories, start swimming, jogging, and weight lifting... I know, not very helpful, but we don't have a lot of information to go on yet. What's your age, height, weight, and activity level? What weight will be necessary to fit in a size 12? If you answer these questions we can at least figure out how much you should be eating and exercising to reach your goal.

    Edited to add, I still need to know how much you need to weigh to fit in a size 12. However, based on the additional information you gave, you need ~1932 calories/day to maintain your current weight. One pound of fat is 3,500 calories. So if you want to lose a pound/week you need to make sure you don't eat more than 1,432 calories/day all week. You can then workout and burn extra calories, again when you burn a total of 3,500 calories you will lose a pound from working out (this is kind of slow, so it's best to use a combination of diet and working out). I don't know what weight you need to be at in 8 weeks, but you can use these numbers to figure out a diet and exercise program that will get you on track.

  • Consume around 300 calories less daily. Drink 16-22 oz of water everyday, and always chew gum when you are hungry.

  • Eat less exercise more! Avoid all junk food run on treadmill at least four days a week always be active

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