American express add a card member?

My cousin just added me to her blue sky amex card. Is this going to make me a joint account holder or an authorized user? I'm 18 and I need to build my credit. If it's as an authorized user, can that status be changed to being a joint account holder?


  • The Fico scoring system knows about "piggy-backing" off someone's credit and it will not allow it.

    Having this card will bring absolutely no benefit, whatsoever to your credit

    A long time ago, people started abusing this, and scoring agencies put a stop to it

    So as joint, you would be responsible for the debt if he does not pay.

    They can sue you and go after your assets

  • authorized user only lets you use it, but you not responsible for the charges and it will not help your credit. If you are added as joint, then that is reported on your credit report.

  • Authorized user, and it will NOT help your credit.

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