Atheists : How do you describe a church ?

tell Cheesus about your opinion


  • A place where Christians gather to sing, worship, pray, give money, socialize, get told that they are wretched sinners, and judge others for how they are dressed.

  • The word has two main meanings, as an architectural instance a church is a place where people gather to help reinforce each other's ignorance of reality.

    As a social organization a church is a group that hates the currently unpopular minorities.

  • I could say it's a big building with pretty windows where people bow down to deity of choice, but that's not the question, is it?

    Mostly I consider churches to be wasting money and misleading people. Some of them do good stuff--they spend the money helping the poor instead of building a bigger building--and that gets a thumbs up from me. But I still believe they are sadly (or, depending upon my mood, hilariously) wrong.

  • A building, primarily associated with the religion of Christianity, in which Christians gather to receive a message every Sunday from a speaker which tells the group of a weekly theme in their religion, amongst the practice of rituals associated with the Christian denomination.

  • A very beautiful place where people congregate to talk to an imaginary person and play solemn music, and listen to a man in a dress (GOD FORBID IT BE A WOMEN IN A DRESS) read from a book in a monotonous tone, that you could probably read yourself at home.

  • A place where people go to worship god. What kinda question is that? A church is a church.

  • It's where people go to participate in a weekly social event.

  • "lighthouses are more useful than churches"

    ben franklin

    You've been touched by Imperfectionist

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