Do Hummingbird feeders transmit Rabies?

I've noticed bats feeding out of my Hummingbird feeder at night - is there a risk of Rabies being transmitted by their Saliva?


  • no, birds cannot contract rabies, only mammals can. Yes, there are some nectar feeding bats, and they should not be of any concern. Bats do carry rabies, but it is not as common as people think. You should really not be concerned unless a bat bites you.

  • Interesting. I think an animal has to bite or scratch skin to transmit the virus. I have some huge yellow jacket like things that just hang on my feeder, but I've never notices bats. The nectar sure goes fast, though.

  • first of all are you specific they have not visited the feeder. 2d , do you be attentive to that pink foodstuff coloration is poison to hummingbirds. Now with that stated do you have the feeder able they sense secure. additionally without understanding the place you reside i could could desire to declare hummingbirds are migratory and it may desire to be they do no longer look to be contemporary now. Our feeders purely get visited for some moth or 2 out of each and every 12 months whilst the birds are interior the section.

  • That's odd behavior for bats! Most bats feed on flying insects, not nectar. Are these some kind of fruit bats?

  • as far as I know, birds carry a slue of diseases, but rabies is not one of them ,bat can carry it, but you must get bitten to catch it

  • if they do call me-i would love to see a rabid humminbird!

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