Sentences made from a word.?

Is there a name for a sentence that is written from the letters of a word.



Tonight One Never Ends.


  • I don't think there is a name for this. An acronym is a word made from the initial letters of a phrase or sentence. But you are asking for a sentence that uses the letters of an existing word as the initial letters of each of its component words. I don't think there is a word for this. Certainly acronym, anagram and mnemonic are all inappropriate (sorry Jose).

    Edit: guys, it's definitely not an acronym! Brcrady wants to know the name for a sentence formed from a word, not a word formed from a sentence... :-)

  • If they are from the actual words, like National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), then it is an acronym.

    If it is a made up word or sentence used to help remember something - like the word HOMES for the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) then it is a mnemonic device.

  • Acronyms

    it is NOT "Anagram". an Anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as spar, formed from rasp.

  • prince

    perfect reading is neccessary creating essay

  • T.G.I.F. Thank God Its Friday.

  • Acronym

    - .--

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