Does 'zero divided by zero' exist as a number?

If zero exist as a number,

does 'zero divided by zero' exist as a number?


  • Would agree with Indy Haire for the most part except to correct and say that 0/0 is INDETERMINATE.

    And add that this form can lead to any finite number or even positive or negative infinity.

    It's all calculus stuff.

  • 0/0 exists but it is indeterminate. If we divide zero by way of zero itself, we will to find that there may also be any numbers, considering if we multiply any numbers with the aid of zero, it'll be zero. Suppose of a quantity and check out to multiply it with zero. For instance, 0*1 = 0, as a result 0/0 may also be 1. And nil/zero can be 2, three, or other numbers due to the fact that 0*2, zero*three, and so on will be zero. Simply, this crisis has countless solutions so this drawback is indeterminate.

  • Most math teachers will tell you it doesn't exist. It's not until you get into higher level math, like calculus, that the abstract idea of zero and infinity gets examined. Without giving a lecture on differentials, zero divided by zero can be seen as undefined in most cases.

  • well, yes. Zero / zero is oftenly represented as zero, but the whole equation thing of divide is currently undefined. zero times zero is zero, zero/zero is... _

  • zero x any number = zero (zero/zero = zero x 1/zero)

    any number/zero = infinity

    any number/itself = 1

    maths cant cope with zero or infinity

  • It can in higher levels of calculus. If you haven't hear oh lo hopitals rule and you aren't in calculus then you don't have to worry about it and it doesn't exist.

  • Well I guess 0= nothing so 0/0= nothing divided by nothing must be nothing because there was nothing there in the first place..hope this helps :)

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