Navy and a dual program (OCS/enlistment)?

I just graduated from college and want to go in the navy, I've heard about a dual program, does anyone know anymore about this? I just want to have an idea of what I want to do before I see a recruiter? Thanks!


  • what dual program? since you already have your degree you are ineligible to do Simultaneous Members ship.. enroll in ROTC while serving as a Drilling Reservist while still in College.

  • I know nothing of any dual program of which you speak.

    The ARMY, when you go into OCS, will send you through basic with all of the slick sleeved enlisted guys, and once you complete it, if they still like you, they will send you to OCS.

    The Air Force just sends you right to OTS, and so does the Navy. The only "program" where you go enlisted and the become an officer later is the "you are an idiot and the recruiter took advantage of you" program.

    IF you have your Degree in hand then call the recruiter, and tell him you want to speak with an officer recruiter. Then call that person and talk about your options. The guys sitting in ever recruiting station around the country are there to take in enlisted personnel.

    By the way, all of the people I know who got into the enlisted side of the house with a degree in hand before going in, because they were told it would make them better officers, are the type of people I would hope will never become an officer. On the flip side MANY of the enlisted people I know would be amazing officers, but simply choose a different path than I did.

  • This article pretty much covers all the commissioning options. There are a couple that wouldn't apply to you since you already have a degree. You'll be more competive for an officer if you have a science or technical degree and GPA over 3.5 They're all very competitive. They'll look at your college transcript.

    Also check out Currently down for maint.

    Mostly info on enlisting here.,13898...

  • The Navy has three so called dual programs for college students: Cec, Nupoc and Bdcp. Graduate students in certain fields and for certain communities are also eligible for these programs.

    Good Luck!

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