Consensual gay incest marriage?

What specific reasons other than your moral reasons or the stigma of it, would you base on denying this group the right to marry who they love?


gay incest = no children would be produced


  • i would have nothing against it

    straight incest = maybe, but only because children could be produced and they might have genetic defects

    but yeah, it doesnt have a real positive stigma associated with it

  • I don't think i would have any objection if it was in fact consensual as you say and if they were of an age that they knew what they were doing and could handle it.

    Of course, not very many people have the same thoughts as i have and would be more against the fact that it was incest than anything else, i think so the couple would have to put up with these people if said people knew they were related.

    Of course, if it doesn't directly have anything to so with the person, i don't think that person as any say at all as it is none of their business and isn't harming them in anyway.


  • Incest is considered not an acceptable behaviour.

    Its non acceptance has little to do with children. As an example, a brother and sister or brother and brother, having oral sex, is incest yet no children will result.

    If two brothers wanted to have a relationship I guess its their business. But its not something I would encourage.

  • hmm well i wouldnt oppose it because i cant actually think of a rational reason against it

    except maybe if you allowed gay incest marriage it would open the door for straight incest, which can be harmful..

    hmm its not my cup of tea but as long as they arent hurting anyone, live and let live i say.

  • Huh????

    I suppose the moral objections are strong, yes, but then you've got the kids of such unions to consider, etc.

    However, the spanner that is always thrown into the works is when two adopted kids get together. Essentially they're not blood relatives, so that's always a tricky one...

  • Honestly, I would have nothing against it. I have nothing against incestual marriages either, so long as one of them is 'fixed'. This is to assure that no children are produced, as honestly, the only thing wrong with incest is the possibility of genetic harm to their children.

  • The government gives special rights and benefits to marriages. How long will the voters vote to give special rights and benefits to incestuous marriage?

    Gay marriage advocates who understand this have to walk a tightrope. They have to support gay marriage rights but deny them to any other group by whatever tortured logic they can find.

  • I don't have a problem with it actually. I know the majority forbid it and behind the majority is power. But love is love. All sorts of things are happening these days... doesn't make it right but does it make it wrong? I don't know..

  • I may not against gay but to love is not always to marry, isn't it...

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