Where do i report apartments not up to code ?
i live in an apartment with a 3year old autistic child we have a pool with no fence around it i worry for my child someone said this is illegal, i found out online about the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 and the Building Act 2004
i live in torrance, ca where do i report my building and to what department? please help...
It literally would be the building department.
There has to be some sort of fence or gate between your door and the pool, not a fence specifically around the pool itself.
As another poster states, you are not quoting CA law, but there is a law that there has to be some step to take to go from public accessed areas to the swimming pool.
The Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 is a piece of legislation in New Zealand. You claim to be in the US. The question everyone will be asking is why did you sign the lease/tenancy agreement for the apartment when you saw there was no fence around the swimming pool. Why do you think that the owner of a private swimming pool should be held responsible for the fact that you have a 3 year old autistic child?
(Housing Authority)