Depressed Dog problem...?

My dad is out on a week long trip, and his dog had to stay home. Recently, he hasn't been eating or drinking or playing, just sleeping and hiding. My dad is very close to the dog, and I'm assuming the dog is depressed. He has gotten very thin lately to where you can see his spine. I'm a little worried; is there anything I could do to help him and make him eat a little?


  • i too think the dog should be seen by a vet ... a healthy dog can go up to seven days with no food, as long as they are drinking water, with no detriment to their health ... your dog could not loose that much weight if your dad has only been gone a week ... and not drinking is more serious than not eating ... normally i would suggest exercise for a depressed dog but i think your dog should have a visit to the vet ...

  • Spend some valuable time with the dog by taking it for walks morning and night. Play with it if it will let you, dogs do get depressed because your Father has gone away and you know that he is coming back, but the dog doesn't know any such thing. All the dog knows is that your Father has gone, so why not fill in for your Dad while he is away and help his dog to cope by giving the dog some attention. Also if you are concerned about the health of your Dad's dog take him along to the vet to get him checked out.

  • Depending on the type of dog, his age, and where you live; I'd definitely suggest taking them somewhere open where they can run until tired. Don't feed him immediately after an extended exercise, as it will likely induce vomiting. Make sure to keep him hydrated.

    I used to take my dog to the beach. Nothing like it in the world, it's like a reset switch on a computer. The waves and wind, combined with extra oxygen in the air; hot sun, open space to run free, water to play in... Yea it's good for the soul. Dog and human alike.

    A dog I had years ago had a tumor on his spline, keeping him from eating. Was a serious problem. You can tell something is wrong when the smell of food doesn't interest them. Recommend you follow the above poster's advice on that.

  • It doesn't sound like he's refusing food because he's depressed - it he's as thin as you say, then he needs veterinary intervention. Something is wrong and the dog needs to see a vet. Since he's not drinking, then he either is or is fast becoming dehydrated. Dehydration alone can kill a dog pretty quickly.

    Get the dog to the vet. The sooner, the better!

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