how do I tell my mum I'm depressed.?
I've had all the signs and symptoms of depression, I end up crying all the time and I am constantly short-tempered towards others.. I'd like to seek help from a doctor. I'm 15 and I know a lot of people are going to say it's my age but it's due to factors at school and little self-confidence. How would I go through with telling my mum that I feel I need to go to the doctors about this?
Hi life. You need to have the confidence to speak with your mum and tell her exactly how you are feeling and what your symptoms are. If you explain how unwell you are and you feel the need to discuss your symptoms with a doctor, I would be confident that your mum will disapprove.
It may not be depression, rather something that may mimic the symptoms of depression but only a doctor can tell you for certain what, if anything, is wrong.
You won't be wasting any-ones time, things are happening which you can't explain and you really need to find out. Get your mum on your side and arrange to see a doctor.
Take care.
Your age is hard and super-emotional but a little help can go a long way in the end especially if you do have depression.
You can try and be honest with your Mum by being open and dropping hints before the big talk. Explain what is happening, what you think you need to get well, and what you hope to get out of it. If your Mum is not cooperative then begin talking to your school counselor or nurse. Sometimes you really have to be your own advocate while you are young because no one truly understands what you are going through. Tell them what the dangers are or what you are afraid of if you do not get help. If you still get no where, find an outlet, coping skills and a journal. Good luck!
What you need to do is find that voice of yours and speak up. I was 14 when I fell into depression, my doctor diagnosed me and both my parents refused to believe it. It was pretty horrible, they were calling me selfish, and all of the names under the sun. I was even disowned and kicked out of the house, because they thought I was doing this for laughs. Not exactly, but you get what I mean. They didn't understand and I was scared. But my point being, if you want the help, you can find support somewhere, even if it is not at home. If you are brave enough (I've never tried this) call Kids help lines or something, and you can discuss ways of telling your mum. It might be comforting to know you are not the only one in the same boat. If you are in Australia look up eHeadspace on google.
I'm now 17 and both my parents still have no idea how to help me (I don't blame them as much) but they aren't all crazy and abusive. I've just been put on anti-depressants.
Try sitting your mum down and saying something like "Mum, you know how getting sad is apart of life, well I've felt like this for a while now, like everyday I feel..." something like that... Good luck to you
and don't freak out okay? x
Oh, i'm uncertain if i'm able to help you to. yet permit me reassure you - I had that operation final 12 months. It grow to be a doddle. Being upstairs won't inhibit you many, different than a nuisance. The issues which will trojan horse you is the incontrovertible fact which you won't be able to hold a cup of tea considering you won't be able to positioned your weight on your leg, working example. yet once you practice for it - make certain you have a lot of books to study, dvd's to observe, nutrition to consume, etc and permit your self to exact get well, this could be a time of basically relaxing. this is not painful (a lot) basically inhibiting. at the start, am i able to congratulate you on what you have performed - your restoration out of your psychological wellbeing problems, your avoidance of sliding right into a life-time of crime, etc. You do have an place of living of your guy or woman, a house. and you do have activity potentialities. that's wonderful. you have performed a lot, extremely of sitting there irritating, why do no longer you celebrate the incontrovertible fact which you have grown up and have been given over a lot? as quickly as your ankle is out of the form you would be a lot greater cellular - i'm very chuffed I had mine achieved,with the aid of the way. possibly you desire a quick term objective - why no longer attempt saving for a trip distant places? yet another ingredient - I continuously get large peace from gardening. i understand you reside in an upstairs place of living, yet is there besides you are able to backyard? this is truly pleasant, and being exterior makes you sense so energized and at peace. sturdy luck, hiya - your existence could basically be beginning up.
Depression is serious and I suffer with it and I find that talking to my children it helps me to cope, like you I cry for no reasons, granted I suffer tremendously with back pain and some of the tablets that I am taking could cause my depression. But it is very important that you tell someone about how you feel.
Talk to your mother and you could be surprise how much better you will feel when you have someone to share how you are feeling.
I know how you feel, I'm going through the same thing. Tell her that you're sad and that you would appreciate if she set up an appointment to talk to someone and from they can decide whether or not you have depression, and just see how it goes from there. Good luck
this is exactly how my friend felt when she thought she had depression, she was getting worried so she told the school Councillor who then helped her tell her mum in the right way. her mum now books her into the doctors at least once a week to speak to them and see how she can control it. how ever you tell your parents i am sure they will understand.:)
start talking to your mum about other things then just drop it into conversation, if you really don't want to tell your mum then you can always go to the doctors and make the appointment yourself
then tell your mum so she doesn't just say its because of your age.
When I told my mum I wrote her a letter that explained everything, then I didnt have to tell her to her face, afterwards she came and spoke to me about it and because she knew all the facts we could speak about it easily and sort it. Good luck
If you can't bring yourself to tell her personally, you could consider telling a doctor you know or even a counselor at school. The professional you choose to tell could tell your mom for you.