how do you kiss a guy?

i going to get a older bf by 1 year and hes popular so i really need to know how to kiss a guy because i Only pecked before t=it wasn't that good but i wanna know how to kiss a guy the right way and not mess up help?


  • This is like the worlds HARDEST question to answer! It's one of those things you just have to experiment with and learn for yourself. Just relax and go with the moment! :)

  • Don´t worry about this too much. Kissing is natural, you just do what you feel. You either "fit" each other or not. There are no "techniques" you should learn or something, everyone likes something else. You´ll gradually find out what he likes (and also what you like). You certainly will feel a bit weird for the first time but you´re supposed to. Every time you kiss someone new it´s supposed to be a bit weird. That´s a part of the fun! So my advice is just be natural and let your feelings work.

  • well normally the guy takes the lead so just go along with him and suck back when he sucks on your lips

  • Kiss his top lip, then kinda suck/nibble on the lower one. And go back and forth :P

  • puck yo lipz out guhhhhhh

  • What is so hard? Just pucker up and suck. Why do you think they call it suck face?

  • just do it, wen he starts finish him off..

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